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Learn Spanish faster, smarter and more effectively

With SlimStampen you learn Spanish words and sentences optimally


Get better grades
Score 1 to 2 points higher on your test


Learn faster
Learn vocabulary for Spanish, French, English or another language more efficiently


Create and share lessons
Share your own lessons with classmates for free


Get higher grades through science

Our intelligent system ensures that you receive exactly the learning material that helps you learn optimally. Scientifically proven you get higher grades with our app.

Practice what you find difficult

Practice questions that are most difficult for you. Then you can answer these questions effortlessly the next practice session.

Collect crowns and track your progress

You can always see how well you already know the material, because the app keeps track of what you have learned, mastered or still need to learn.


The company behind SlimStampen is now called MemoryLab. For more information about our services and the science behind them, visit the website.

Learn for free with SlimStampen